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established 1968


               Early Club Photos                                      A Typical Flat Ride                                          Ride  Around Manhattan          

Bob Geddis Early Club Photos


Around Manhattan

Upcoming Events
Upcoming Events

Come ride with the Central Jersey Bicycle Club

Join us
**Our Goals**
Social and recreational biking
Fellowship among bicyclists
Promote the general interests of bicycling, to encourage and facilitate touring and all forms of bicycling activity
To secure a better understanding and recognition by the riding public for safer riding conditions
To encourage the allocation of facilities for bicycling on public lands
To encourage cooperation with public authorities in the observance of all traffic regulations
To advocate the recognition of the bicycle as a vehicle for advancement of public health, transportation, and pleasure

The benefits of membership -
Rides for diverse levels 
Spring member appreciation ride including lunch
Fall Memorial and Anniversary ride including lunch
August Ice Cream Social
Annual October ride around the perimeter of Manhattan
Winter holiday party and Awards Dinner
Awards for leading rides,  ride participation, and other types of volunteering  

See our Facebook page for up to date events & photos--àhere



Ride Classifications

The following ride classifications and terrain ratings are used on the Event Calendar to provide potential ride attendees with an idea of what to expect on a particular ride.

An Example ride listing:

B+, 2/3, 35, Ride Name 10:00 AM  Leader Name
Starting at Lyons Mall in Basking Ridge.
Please call ride leader to confirm ride. (your phone number)

  • B+ indicates a steady 14-15 mph pace
    • Note the speed may vary during ride, depending on terrain.
  • 2/3 means over rolling to large hills
  • 35 indicates that the ride will cover approximately 35 miles
  • The ride starts at 10:00 AM, sharp
  • The ride leader has requested that riders call to confirm they are joining the ride
  • The ride leader's name and contact phone number are provided
    • Note on leaderless rides: Any Leaderless Rides listed in The HUB are different from the other rides in that either has no predetermined leader. If you attend, you may or may not find someone assuming the leadership role.

Pace Ratings

  • Speed indicates average upon completion of ride.
  • Speed may vary during ride, depending on terrain.


For Average speed
while moving
AX strong, experienced cyclists in top physical condition 18 mph or more
A+ strong, experienced cyclist 17-18 mph
A strong, experienced cyclist 16-17 mph
A - strong, experienced cyclist 15-16 mph
B+ good, competent cyclists 14-15 mph
B good, competent cyclists 13-14 mph
B - good, competent cyclists 12-13 mph
C+ average cyclists 11-12 mph
C average cyclists 10-11 mph
 D  average cyclist  8-10 mph 
 EZ  average cyclists 20/15 miles or less  9 mph or less
ATB All-Terrain and Hybrids ...will vary with terrain
and riders' experience.
MTB All-Terrain Bikes only ...will vary

Terrain Ratings

  1. Hill Mania (multiple long and/or steep climbs)
  2. Large Hills (such as Hillcrest Road in Warren or Johnston Drive in Watchung)
  3. Rolling Hills (such as Valley Road in Warren Township)
  4. Flat (except for the occasional overpass)

ATB Ratings

  1. 1 Log: Novice. Basically flat. Typically tow paths and fire roads.
  2. 2 Logs: Intermediate. Rolling. Rough paths and fire roads.
  3. 3 Logs: Advanced. Numerous steep hills, some technical.

MTB Ratings

  1. 1 Log: Novice. Basically flat to smooth.
  2. 2 Logs: Intermediate. Rolling rugged.
  3. 3 Logs: Advanced. Hilly, technical.
NJ Bike n walk coalition