Joint ride with "Count Me In" Meetup group. Start at Duke Island Park and ride the asphalt trails and road to Somerville for a traditional Mexican meal (belated Cinco de Mayo celebration) at Casa Luna restaurant (BYOB). On the way to Somerville we will tour Duke Farms. Casual pace, no one left behind. Hybrid type bike perfect, or at least a 35mm tire width on any other bike. The (optional) drum circle will commence after we return to the ride start (Duke Island Park). You can bring anything you have to bang on, e.g. a 5 gallon bucket, two sticks. No worries though I will have several percussion instruments with me. Bring a chair if you like. We will stake out our place in the park and proceed to make mayhem 😉 . It will be fun, I guarantee. Check the link below ...
Casa Luna
about drum circles